Home New Zealand Travel Planner

New Zealand
Travel Information

Knowing the basics before traveling can help you have a smoother and more enjoyable experience exploring this stunning country.

General information for travellers to New Zealand, including currency, business hours, public holidays, and more.

Table of Contents
  1. Business Hours
  2. Currency
  3. Banking and Travellers Cheques
  4. Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  5. Internet Access
  6. Weights and Measures
  7. Tipping and Service Charges
  8. Electricity Supply
  9. Emergencies
  10. Health Services
  11. Accidents and Insurance
  12. Pharmaceuticals and Medicines
  13. Climate
  14. Sunburn
  15. Bites and Stings
  16. Water Supply
  17. Vaccinations
  18. Travellers with Special Needs
  19. Television
  20. Postal Services
  21. Public Holidays

Business Hours

Offices and businesses operate Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm; some tourist agencies and airlines have longer hours. Petrol (gas) stations often open 24 hours, stocking food and newspapers. Shops are usually open 9am to 5.30pm Monday-Saturday, with late shopping usually Thursday or Friday. Many supermarkets, grocery stores, some large retail chains, most shopping malls, and markets also operate on Sundays; large supermarkets are often open 24 hours. Local convenience stores – dairies – usually open 7am-7pm daily.


New Zealand currency (NZ$ or NZD) is decimal with the dollar as the basic unit (100 cents equals one dollar). Notes come in $100, $50, $20, $10, and $5 denominations. Coins come in $2, $1, 50c, 20 and 10c denominations.

Banking and Travellers Cheques

Banks open Monday-Friday (except public holidays), 9.30am-4.30pm. Automatic teller machines operate on a card/PIN number system. Cash can be withdrawn 24 hours a day. Use of EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) is common. All international credit cards (American Express, Diners, JCB, VISA, Mastercard) are accepted. Travellers’ cheques may be changed at banks, hotels and large stores in the main cities and tourist areas.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Goods and services are taxed at 15% in New Zealand. All visitors to New Zealand must pay GST and the tax is non-refundable when leaving New Zealand. All the tours on our website have GST included in the price – so no hidden surprises.

Internet Access

Most hotels offer internet access either in the comfort of your room or in the public areas of the hotel. You will also find a great selection of Internet Cafes providing fast and convenient Internet connections to keep in touch with those at home.

Weights and Measures

New Zealand has used the metric system since 1975.

Metric Imperial / USC
1m (metre) 1.1 yards
1km (kilometre) 0.62 miles
1ha (hectare) 2.5 acres
1kg (kilograms) 2.2 pounds
1l (litre) 0.22 liquid gallons (USC)
0.26 liquid gallons (imperial)
35.2 fluid ounces (imperial)

Temperatures in New Zealand are measured in Celsius (C). To convert C to F, multiply temperature by 9, divide by 5 and add 32.

Tipping and Service Charges

If you wish to leave a tip for excellent service this is perfectly acceptable but is not expected. Service charges are not added to hotel or restaurant accounts.

Electricity Supply

New Zealand’s AC electricity supply operates at 230/240 volts, 50 hertz. Most hotels and motels also provide 110-volt, 20-watt AC sockets for electric razors.


Dial 111 for police, fire, or ambulance services. For non-emergency calls, full instructions appear in the front of telephone directories.

Health Services

Public and private health facilities have a high standard of treatment and care. Larger hotels and motels often have a local doctor on call; otherwise, doctors and other medical services are listed in the front of the telephone directory.

Accident Compensation and Personal Insurance

Visitors are covered by the Government-run scheme for personal injury by accident. Claims may be lodged with the Accident Compensation and Rehabilitation Insurance Corporation (ACC) irrespective of fault. Some medical/hospital expenses and physical disability compensation are covered, but not loss of earnings outside New Zealand. Actions for damages may not be brought, and personal travel insurance should therefore cover accidents. Medical services are not free. Accident care is subsidised. ACC does not cover any medical treatment relating to illness.

Pharmaceuticals and Medicines

Available from chemists during normal shopping hours. Most cities have urgent dispensaries open outside these hours, listed in the front of the telephone book under Hospitals. Chemists also sell cosmetics and insect and sun protections. A certificate for Customs is advised if visitors plan to bring pharmaceuticals into the country. Many drugs sold over the counter in other countries are often not available without a prescription.


New Zealand’s warmest months are December to March, with winter June to August. Northern New Zealand is sub-tropical and the south temperate. For most of the North Island and northern South Island the driest season is summer. However, in the South Island winter is the driest season for the West Coast, much of inland Canterbury, Otago, and Southland.


Due to New Zealand’s high level of ultraviolet radiation, it is highly advisable to wear sunglasses and/or a hat if spending time in the sun, and to use sunblock even if the day is overcast, or if skiing.

Bites and Stings

There is no dangerous wildlife; no snakes, and only two poisonous spiders, the Katipo and the white-tailed spider. Bites are serious but rarely fatal.

Water Supply

Tap (faucet) water is safe to drink. City water is chlorinated; most is fluoridated. Water sourced from rivers and lakes should be boiled or treated before drinking.


For up to date vaccination information, visit the New Zealand Ministry of Health:

Provisions for Travellers with Special Needs

It is best to check availability prior to arrival, or to contact the Disability Resource Centre (phone number at the end of this section), which will have a list of the accessible facilities and services at your destination. Some major carriers have excellent provision for people with disabilities, but all prefer advance notice of your access needs so they may prepare in advance.

If you are a tourist from outside of New Zealand and propose to acquire and use a car for your stay, Mobility Parking Permits are available from branches of New Zealand CCS, which are in all the main centres. Addresses are on their website www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz. These permits also allow parking in other time-limited parking areas for an extra period that varies with each local parking authority. These concessions do not apply in privately owned parking facilities.

Under New Zealand law, guide and hearing dogs may accompany you anywhere there is public access. Tourists from the UK, Australia, Sweden, Singapore, Ireland, Hawaii, and Norway do not have quarantine restrictions on service dogs. Animals from other countries must complete up to six months preparation in the country of origin before arriving in New Zealand. Further information can be obtained from Disability Resource Centres.

Enable New Zealand
Phone: 0-6-952 0011
Email: info@enable.co.nz


There are seven public broadcasting channels including a Māori language station. Broadcasting varies from 18-24 hours per day. Daily papers list programme details. Sky Network Television provides, to subscribers with a decoder, several 24-hour channels offering news, movies, sport and general entertainment.

Postal Services

Besides specialist Post Shops in most areas, stamps can be bought from supermarkets, bookstores and grocery shops. The main forms of postal carriage are standard post and Fast Post. Standard post delivers next day across town and in two to three working days nationwide; fast post, which is also the designation for international airmail letters originating in New Zealand, delivers next day between major towns and cities.

Public Holidays

It is unavoidable to have a touring programme that is not in certain places on weekends, public holidays and on days of closure for public buildings, shops, and museums. We regret you may miss certain opportunities, but these are kept to a minimum. Many businesses and all banks close on public holidays; all shops are closed on Christmas Day and Good Friday except for a few dairies (convenience stores) and some petrol stations.

Public Holiday Date Day
New Year’s Day 01 Jan 2023 Sunday
Day after New Year’s Day 02 Jan 2023 Monday
New Year’s Day (observed) 03 Jan 2023 Tuesday
Waitangi Day (National Day) 06 Feb 2023 Monday
Good Friday 07 Apr 2023 Friday
Easter Monday 10 Apr 2023 Monday
Anzac Day (War Remembrance Day) 25 Apr 2023 Tuesday
King’s Birthday 05 Jun 2023 Monday
Matakiri 14 Jul 2023 Friday
Labour Day 23 Oct 2023 Monday
Christmas Day Holiday 25 Dec 2023 Monday
Boxing Day Holiday 26 Dec 2023 Tuesday